The Starship Titanic - Leovinus's Masterpiece And Fitting Jewel
In The Starlight Lines Crown
By Twicity Fneb, Galactic StarTraveller Social Staff
For the truly sophisticated traveler, ennui is a perpetual hazard of the game. But the new Starlight Lines
flagship, the Starship Titanic, defies the most blasé traveler to feel even un petit peu jadé. From the tip of its pinnace to the very bottom of its keel thingy,
this extraordinary masterpiece of galactine engineering says three
things: class, class and class.
Stepping aboard this extraordinary masterpiece of galactine engineering
[you've already said that once. -Ed.] one cannot but be struck by the sheer class which breathes from every pore of this masterpiece of galactine
engineering. The moment the great Embarkation Gate swings open
like a great iris (the part of the eye which responds to light
by opening and closing) you are aware that you are in the presence
of a truly unique vessel whose unique qualities lend itself to
the awed appreciation of the galaxy's movers and shakers. Entertainers,
developers, speculators and shady eminences grises in borkskin suits and big wristwatches: all will thrill to the
marbled floorings, the glossy smart walls, the extremely nice
furniture and the facilities with which the Titanic is so well
supplied. Indeed when it comes to facilities, it can truly be
said that the Titanic is the ne plus ultra of the facilities end of the luxury galactic cruiser market.
The Starship Titanic itself is, of course, off-limits to all curious
parties - your intrepid correspondent included!!!??! But rest
assured - we at Galactic StarTraveller will be the first to bring
you an exclusive preview of this exclusive masterpiece of galactine
engineering, and are leaving no stone unturned in going out to
dinner with a ve-e-e-e-ry hunky senior member of the Blerontin quality-assurance staff
and hanging, lips akimbo, on every word he says.
In fact, we are confidently expecting a result real soon now...
oh, hi, sweetie; I was just writing about you!!!?!?!
In the meantime, your reporter has obtained exclusive interviews with various key members of the design and construction
team: Floburger Argoblast, interior design consultant; Mac "Mac"
McMackie, Chief Propulsion Engineer; Monsieur Jean-Pierre Hompe
de Peniche, Head of Catering; and Professor Minskin Marvie, Director
of Robotics.
Stay tuned!!!